This herb is a panacea for 8 diseases

The plant is a small evergreen and its height ranges from 2.3 m to 3.5 m. Its flowers are white in color. This plant has many greenish gray branches. And it is spread all around. In humid monsoon air or drizzle, new plants are prepared from Ardusi and its branches are cut and transplanted as cuttings.

Slate leaves are similar to guava leaves, three to four inches long, one and a half to two inches wide, and serrated. It has a slight smell in panmaaaati. The leaves are green in color and turn yellow when dry. Ardusi bears flowers in clusters similar to basil flowers. The color of its flowers is white. There are mainly two types of these slates which are black and black slates. Washed slate is greenish and black slate is black. In which Dholi Ardusi is the best medicine while Black Ardusi is less common. We will tell in which diseases this Ardusi can be used.

Kapha: Thin Kapha is thinned from Ardusi. which expels phlegm through the stomach. Ardusi is very useful in curing old cough than new cough. Ardusi is very useful in respiratory diseases. Telia Tankan Thar Soja juice mixed with 8 mg of honey and licked in the morning and evening relieves cough. Licking the child according to the strength destroys the phlegm.

Asthma (Asthma): Drinking the juice of Ardusi leaves mixed with honey or sugar or a decoction of dried Ardusi leaves and licked in honey gives great relief in cough, asthma or fever caused by phlegm. Asthma is cured by mixing sardine juice and cow’s butter mixed with triphala (harde, beheda or amla) powder. Asthma is cured by making a decoction of equal parts of plantain leaves, turmeric, coriander, saffron, bharangamool, pepper, ginger and coriander and adding 5 grams of Tikha Churna to it. Asthma is relieved by drying Ardusi leaves and making bidi from its leaves.

Leprosy: Drinking plantain leaf decoction cures leprosy. Ardusi flower dried in shade and crushed and taken with honey and sugar cures leprosy. . A decoction of plantain leaves, grapes and amla along with honey and sugar can cure cough and cough.

Cough: Drinking 20 grams of Ardusi leaves mixed with honey cures cough. Extracting the juice of Ardusi leaves and drinking it mixed with honey cures cough and drinking it mixed with honey and Sindhav salt cures cough. A decoction of plantain leaves, grapes and amla along with honey and sugar can cure cough and cough.

Headache: Headache is a common problem in stressful life. 1 to 2 grams of ardosi flower dried in the shade and crushed into jaggery size cures headache. Making tea by drying Ardusi leaves in shade cures headache. You can also add some salt to this tea for taste.

Eye pain: As a side effect of any disease or sitting in front of mobile, TV or computer, eye pain is cured. Ardusi has medicinal properties due to which it also relieves eye inflammation. 3 to 4 fresh flowers of Ardusi are heated and tied on the eyes to cure eye diseases and eye swelling.

Silver and Oral Swelling: Ardusi is very useful in removing silver from the mouth. According to Ayurveda Ardusi is cooling and antipyretic. If there is silver in the mouth, its symptoms are reduced. If there is silver in the mouth and swelling due to infection, chewing 2 to 3 leaves of Ardusi and keeping its juice in the mouth will cure the silver and swelling of the mouth. Applying small decayed pieces of slate to teeth cures mouth disease.

Gum Disease: If the gums are painful and swollen then using Ardusi as a remedy can get rid of this disease and pain. Ardusi contains kashay juice which relieves pain and inflammation. According to this, by rubbing slate powder on the teeth, diseases like pyorrhea are also cured.

TB (Tuberculosis): Ardusi is very useful and also destroys the dreaded disease like TB. 20 grams of Ardusi leaf juice should be consumed regularly and TB can be eradicated permanently. A decoction of 20 to 30 ml of Ardusi leaves mixed with pepper powder cures TB.

Fever: An unbalanced diet leads to many ailments including problems like acidity and indigestion. If you want to get rid of it, it is necessary to consume Ardusi. Mix 1-1 gram powder of sardine peel, 1/4 ajma powder and 1/8 Sindhav salt in lemon juice and take 1-1 gram pill morning-evening, 1 to 3 pills morning-evening. Cures fever.

Diarrhea: Eating spicy and fried food causes diarrhea problem in the body. If the problem of diarrhea is relieved, taking 10 to 20 ml of Ardusi leaf powder and drinking it will get rid of the problem of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea problem is permanent. Powdered consumption of Ardusi leaves cures diarrhoea.

Dhadhar: Ingestion of toxic substances that irritate the skin and blood and frequent contact with other people’s clothing, body or bedding can cause similar illness as Dhadhar. Scabies is a fungal disease. This disease can be eradicated by Ardusi. Applying 10 to 13 fresh leaves of Ardusi and 2 to 5 grams of turmeric mixed with cow urine and a bowl on the sore heals the sore.

Body Odor: Many people suffer from unbearable body odor.

Bloating Disease Ascites: Abdominal bloating due to excess protein in the stomach. Drinking 10 to 20 ml of Ardusi leaf juice 2 to 3 times a day during this pain relieves the problem of flatulence. Ardusi has the properties of gas or flatulence. This problem is solved by expelling the gas from the body

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